Portrait Higher Resolution Varygood-Boy

What is "Portrait Higher Resolution Varygood-Boy"?

If you send a portrait which image quality is not good enough to Portrait Higher Resolution Varygood-Boy, it replies with a high quality image.

If you send the picture you drew with "Drawing Varygood-Boy" to this Varygood-Boy, you can enjoy the cute picture with beautiful picture quality.
High image quality can be achieved by specializing in photos with people's faces in them.


  • It makes a rough photo into a high quality picture in no time!
  • The most powerful if you collaborate with Drawing Varygood-Boy!
  • Supports PNG, JPEG, HEIC, and GIF!

How to use

  1. Add Portrait Higher Resolution Varygood-Boy to your LINE friends list.
  2. Send the picture you would like to enhance to the Varygood-Boy on the talk screen.
  3. Wait for a while, and you will receive a high quality image back.

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