Shiritori Varygood-Boy

What is "Shiritori Varygood-Boy"?

For exercising your brain, to enjoy your break time, looking for a playmate. You can enjoy Shiritori in your spare time with Varygood-Boy.
When you send "しりとりスタート"(means Shiritori start), Shiritori starts immediately.
Send us the word that starts with the letter following Varygood-Boy's answer!

If you say the same word or don't answer for a long time, you will lose the game.

Key Points

  • You can play Shiritori anytime, anywhere!
  • It's a good exercise for your brain!
  • You'll laugh at Varygood-Boy's unexpected answers!

How to use

1. Register as a friend with Shiritori Varygood-Boy on LINE.

2. Send a message "しりとりスタート" (means "Shiritori start").

3. Look at the last character of the message sent by Varygood-Boy. If there is a parenthesis ( ) after the word, the last letter in the parenthesis will be the object of the Shiritori game.

4. send the next word of the Shiritori game to Varygood-Boy in time.
After Shiritori is over, send "しりとりスタート" again to start a new Shiritori.